Shade V Writing Archives
Welcome to the Archives!
You have entered the writing archive of the Vermillion Shade, an aged and once powerful lich who haunts these decrepit halls. Though sealed away in the bowels of my ancient crypt I have been slowly attempting to regain my influence and power by teaching myself webdesign. It has... been an ongoing process...
In the meantime I have deigned to allow you to tour my digital halls. Unfortunately for you adventurers, all that can be found here is my erotic fiction! HAHAHAHAHAHA! ...I have been sealed for some time... I'm quite lonely...
In any case you may find my works organized into the categories of fan fiction and original fiction. Though perhaps original may be a bit of a missnomer, much of it is based upon the lives of other magicians I spectate from the confines of my crypt.
Feel free to send me any questions in the submission box at the left side of the page or on tumblr. If I recieve enough of them I my consider constructing a "fridge" so to speak. Where I might answer questions or post submissions... I am so terribly bored down here.

Still Under Construction